Monday, October 4, 2010

Lazy Day of Research


Today has been SUCH a restful day! Last night I journal-ed a LOT before I went to bed. I really had some things I needed to talk to God about! By the time I actually got into bed it was about midnight, and I didn't wake up until noon this morning!!

I woke up to have a FABULOUS Skype date with my mom! Can I just say that she is AMAZING?! Seriously, she gives the BEST advice in the world! If I grow up and end up exactly like her, then I'll be 100% happy. She's so stinking encouraging and has made me feel SO much better about the whole girl jealousy thing!

After that I went upstairs and made LaChelle and myself a DELICIOUS breakfast! It consisted of scrambled eggs, whole-wheat pancakes, and bacon (well....they call it bacon but it's really ham)...yeah I'm pretty much the house-wife of our relationship. :)

Then I sat down and started on my HUGE "Adopt A Nation" project. I adopted Uzbekistan as my nation and had to research pretty much EVERYTHING about it and make a powerpoint. It took me a total of about 4 hours, but I am finally finished! Did you know that it is actually illegal for any christian church to evangelize in Uzbekistan? Crazy!

I took a little break during work and talked to Kev...I know, I cracked...
But, it was good - communication is hard, especially 8,000 miles away but we have ended on a good note which will help me not be distracted by so much pain, I think. As I was talking he stopped me and said, "Wow, Clancy, I love how in touch with your feminine side you are..." hahaha - yeah, I'm emotional. But, he's going to read Captivating to try and understand me more :)

Then I went upstairs and indulged in a DELICIOUS dinner and now I am updating to you! Today has not been very full, but I love it that way! Tonight I have to turn in and/or present my Uzbekistan presentation and then all of us girls are getting together and talking...yikes, pray! :)

I'll let you know how it goes! Thank you for all of your prayers!

Tomorrow lectures start again, and it's spiritual warfare week!! I'm sure I'll have a LOT more to say on my next update!


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